Photos Pictures

Photos from Ignite Seattle 10

Here’s a few pics from last night’s Ignite Seattle. Feel free to use any of my photos with attribution and a link back to where you found them.

Seattle 2.0 Award for Ignite Seattle
Ignite’s Seattle 2.0 Award

Mark Selander - Ignite Seattle 10
Mark Selander

Matthew Inman - Ignite Seattle 10
Matthew Inman – “The Oatmeal

Andy Sack - Ignite Seattle 10
Andy Sack

Matt Harding - Ignite Seattle 10
Matt Harding – “Where the Hell is Matt?”

Speaker Wrangling - Ignite Seattle 10
Speaker Wrangling

These boots were made ... Ignite Seattle 10
Beth Goza’s Boots

You can find more in my Flickr stream.

Conferences Photos Twitter

140TC – The Twitter Conference

I was down in LA for the Twitter Conference, 140TC, last week. The conference was slated to be the intersection of Hollywood and Silicon Valley, which might be two of the weirdest places on earth. The conference didn’t disappoint. I mean, where else could I meet Tony Robbins, The Iron Sheik and Biz Stone, all on the same day?

Huge thanks to conference organizers, The Parnassus Group (and my pal, Jason Preston) for putting this fantastic conference together.

Photos from 140tc

Needless to say, I snapped a few pix that I’ve posted below. Naturally, there are more on Flickr.

Biz Stone @ 140tc

Biz Stone of Twitter
Tony Robbins - 140tc

Veronica Belmont - 140TC

The Iron Sheik - 140TC

Guy Kawasaki - 140TC

Events Gnomedex Photos Pictures

Gnomedex 9 Recap in Photos

Filed under: better late than never.

Gnomedex 2009 marked my 4th Gnomedex and it seems that they get better every year. Gnomedex has always made me think in ways I hadn’t thought, meet people I had not met and do things I wouldn’t otherwise do. I view going to Gnomedex as a kind of engineered randomness with known constraints.

Gnomedex is also a place for me make new friends and to catch up with friends that I don’t get to see all that often. This year was no different (although I did miss one person in particular). Drop me a line if I haven’t said hi after this year’s Gnomedex.

Words, rather than photos

If you’re looking for a wrap up or summary of Gnomedex 2009 in words, rather than pictures, here are few of best that I’ve read.

Gnomedex 2009 Pix

Here are my favorite pictures from this year’s Gnomedex (some of which have been posted over on my photoblog).

Frank Eliason (@comcastcares) - Gnomedex 2009

Frank Eliason – ComcastCares

Betsy describes Bing's ad budget - Gnomedex 2009

Betsy Aoki

Gnomedex 2009

Printed head from Bre’s Maker Bot 3d printer.

Lee LeFever and Kris Krug - Gnomedex 2009

Lee LeFever and Kris Krug

Fierce Buzz - Gnomedex 2009

Danielle Sipple (@fiercekitty) and Buzz Bruggeman

Mark Horvath - Gnomedex 2009

Mark Horvath

Amber Case - Gnomedex 2009 (crop)

Amber Case

Beth Goza (crop) - Gnomedex 2009

Beth Goza


Big thanks to Chris Pirillo and all the folks that put on Gnomedex every year. Their tireless hard work that makes Gnomedex very special to me every year is very much appreciated.

More photos from my Gnomedex 2009 photoset

Photos Pictures

My Photos Have Gone Big Time

When I edit my photos, I view them on a 24″ monitor full bleed. Once I’ve picked the photos I’m going to use, I upload them to Flickr where they are chained for eternity at 500 by 333 pixels. Sure, you can go to the bigger size, but Flickr doesn’t really encourage it.

The Big Picture

About a year ago, I discovered a wonderful site, The Big Picture, curated by Alan Taylor at, the online home of the Boston Globe. If you haven’t been to the site, I apologize for ruining your productivity for the next couple of hours.

The basic idea behind the Big Picture, is that photos that might only be shown in small form on a newspaper cover or Web site, are blown up to about 1000 by 660 pixels. Certainly big enough to see the details, but more importantly, big enough to see what the photographer saw and hopefully, to tell their story.

Photo Blog, but BIG

In my humble way, I’m imitating the Big Picture at least in that I wanted to display my photos in large form. Many pictures I take are dark, as I eschew flash (mainly because I don’t have an external one), but the details are there, provided the image is large. The photos load quickly (thanks, Flickr) and I’ll only be posting a maximum of one a day.

So, with that, I give you, in all it’s pixel wasting glory my new photo blog at This week, in honor of Gnomedex, I’ll be posting some big pictures from past events.


The Naked Truth in Photos

Here are some of the pictures that I took and notable quotes from The Naked Truth event in Seattle on July 9, 2009. The event was held by Redfin, Madrona, Fenwick & West and Square 1 Bank.

Fred Wilson

Fred Wilson - The Naked Truth

“what’s the worst kind of failure? one that takes a long time and costs alot of money” (via jtgameover)

“the idea that you cannot build an important tech company outside of Silicon Valley is a crock of shit.” (via Fred Wilson)

Mike Arrington

Mike Arrington - Naked Truth

forget the money, just sell yourself like YouTube did before you ever make any money. Twitter is going to sell for $2 billion to Microsoft or Google by the end of the year, and they’re going to have absolutely no revenue whatsoever.

(via Techflash)

The Crowd at the Naked Truth

The Crowd at The Naked Truth

Greg Gottesman, VC plays Emcee

Greg Gottesman - The Naked Truth

There’s a lot more commentary out there (mainly Twitter) and video of the event will be posted on Seattle 2.0 later.

More photos

Jason Preston - The Naked Truth Greg Gottesman - The Naked Truth Glenn Kelman and Mike Arrington - Naked Truth Fred Wilson - Naked Truth Brad Jefferson - Naked Truth Jonathan Sposato - Naked Truth Fred Vogelstein - Naked Truth Mike Arrington - Naked Truth Damon Darlin - Naked Truth Jonathan Sposato - Naked Truth The Naked Truth Crowd Damon and Marina - Naked Truth Jonathan Sposato - Naked Truth Glenn Kelman - Naked Truth Greg Gottesman - Naked Truth Damon Cortesi - Naked Truth

Events Pictures

Pix from the npost demo event

Here are some of my favorite pix from last night’s npost event. Thanks Nathan for organizing gathering of so many good startups.

More pictures are in my npost Flickr set.

TA McCann points to the future - npost demo event

The Crowd

The Crowd at the npost demo event

Jeff Lawson

Jeff Lawson - npost demo event

David Jennings

David Jennings - npost demo event

Applause-o-meter - npost demo event

Amplitude measures the response

More pictures are in my npost Flickr set.

Events Photos Pictures Seattle

Seattle 2.0 Awards pictures

Here are some of my favorite pix from the Seattle 2.0 Awards on May 7, 2009.

Jonathan Sposato - Seattle 2.0 Awards

Jonathan Sposato

Glenn Kelman - Seattle 2.0 Awards

Glenn Kelman

Danielle Morrill - Seattle 2.0 Awards

Danielle Morrill

John Cook - Seattle 2.0 Awards

John Cook

Greg Huang - Seattle 2.0 Awards

Greg Huang

Ignite Seattle Photos Pictures

Pictures from Ignite Seattle 6

Here are my favorite pix from April 29th’s Ignite Seattle 6 event.

Scott Berkun - Ignite Seattle 6

How and Why to Give an Ignite TalkScott Berkun

Scotto Moore - Ignite Seattle 6

Intangible Method – Scotto Moore

Ron Burk - Ignite Seattle 6

The Psychology of Incompetence – Ron Burk

Maya Bisineer - Ignite Seattle 6

Geek Girl: A life StoryMaya Bisineer

Ken Beegle - Ignite Seattle 6

Decoding Sticks and WavesKen Beegle

Jen Zug - Ignite Seattle 6

The Sanity Hacks of a Stay At Home MomJen Zug

Dawn Rutherford - Ignite Seattle 6

Public Library HackingDawn Rutherford

Click below for all of my Ignite Seattle 6 pictures.